Aplicativo de gravidez: teste e acompanhamento

Pregnancy Tracking Application


Did you know that there is a free app that can help you take the test? pregnancy based on information you pass on? Additionally, it helps monitor pregnancy and monitor your baby's development.

With features like Calculation of probable birth date, monitoring the baby’s movements and pregnancy diary, this application makes the process of pregnancy more practical and safe. Are you ready to discover the benefits of using a maternal health app during your journey?


Pregnancy monitoring

During your pregnancy, using a dedicated app can be a valuable tool for monitoring your baby's development and tracking your pregnancy progress. These apps offer features like Calculation of probable birth date and the monitoring baby's movements, providing essential information about the fetal development.

Monitoring baby's movements

One of the important features of pregnancy apps is the ability to track your baby's movements. This allows you to keep an eye on changes in fetal activity patterns, which can provide valuable insights into your child's development and well-being.


Calculation of the probable birth date

Additionally, these apps calculate your likely due date based on information such as the date of your last period. This functionality helps you plan and track the progress of your pregnancy more accurately, facilitating coordination with your medical team.

By using a pregnancy app, you will have access to valuable information about the Calculation of probable birth date, O monitoring baby's movements and the fetal development, contributing to a calmer and safer pregnancy.

desenvolvimento fetal

Pregnancy diary: a complete record

O pregnancy diary It's an incredible feature offered by mobile apps. prenatal care. In it, you can record all the stages of your pregnancy, from medical appointments and exams to your symptoms and special moments. This tool allows you to create a complete record of your pregnancy, allowing you to monitor your progress in detail.

With the diary, you can write down information about your appointments with your obstetrician, such as the date, exams performed and guidance received. Also you can share information with family and friends, including photos and updates about your baby's development. This functionality makes the process prenatal care much more organized and transparent.

O pregnancy diary It is an essential tool for you to monitor all stages of your pregnancy. By keeping a detailed record, you will have a complete history to share with your doctor and feel safer throughout the process.

Applications provide pregnancy probability


Despite being best known as a menstrual tracking app, Clue also has the functionality to predict a possible pregnancy. Using users' menstrual cycle data, it can identify fertile periods and suggest the probability of pregnancy. Its interface is simple and intuitive, making daily use easier.


Flo is one of the most complete and popular apps focused on women's health. In addition to monitoring the menstrual cycle, it has a specific tool to predict pregnancy based on the symptoms recorded by the user. Flo also has an active community, where users can share experiences and seek support.


BabyCenter is another very reliable and widely used app. It offers a daily pregnancy guide, in-depth articles on what to expect in each trimester, and videos on fetal development. Furthermore, the application has a community where mothers can exchange experiences, making the pregnancy journey more interactive and supportive.

Pregnancy +

With an attractive and easy-to-use interface, Pregnancy+ provides detailed monitoring of your baby's development. The app includes weekly images of the fetus, information about the health of the mother and baby, and practical tips for each stage of pregnancy. Moms-to-be can also record their experiences and symptoms, creating a personal pregnancy diary.

Benefits of Using a Pregnancy App

Using a pregnancy app brings several benefits to you during this important phase of your life. One of the main ones is the possibility of receiving personalized nutritional tips, which can help you make healthier food choices and meet your specific needs during pregnancy.

Nutritional tips for pregnant women

The application can provide nutritional recommendations based on your characteristics and stage of pregnancy, guiding you on which foods to consume in greater quantities, how to maintain a balanced diet and how to meet the nutritional demands of your condition.

Medical appointment schedule

Additionally, using the app allows you to maintain a medical appointment schedule integrated, facilitating efficient monitoring of your prenatal care. This way, you can have all the information about your scheduled appointments and track the progress of your pregnancy in an organized way.

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